Edge Computing

smoke billowing up in a data center demonstrating incorrect data center fire protection

Data Center Fire Prevention and Protection Guide

Dive into the comprehensive data center fire protection strategies employed by modern IT teams, from state-of-the-art detection systems to specialized fire suppression methods, and understand the importance of a proactive approach to fire safety.

diagram of what cloud computing is replacing

What is Cloud Computing Replacing?

Cloud computing is heralding a new era in business technology. By replacing the traditional IT infrastructure, it’s reshaping the way businesses manage their IT resources. Discover how this revolution affects various aspects of business and what lies ahead in the cloud computing landscape.


Explaining 5G Mobile Edge Computing

5G mobile edge computing (MEC) is a distributed computing paradigm that combines 5G mobile communication technology with edge computing. It involves placing computing resources at the edge of a 5G network, close to end users and devices, in order to bring computation and data storage closer to the devices that generate and consume them.


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